Accident denotes a traffic accident or incident in which damage to the vehicle occurs as a result of vandalism, terrorism or other third party violent crimes, attempted theft of a vehicle or natural disaster.
Closest relatives are your parents and children, i.e. your depend-ants up to the age of 26. A husband and wife, registered partners and partners who share a common household are also regarded as the closest relatives.
Collective claim is a claim resulting from one event that involves more than 3 of your employees.
Compensation table is a list of physical harm scenarios caused by an injury, on the basis of which we determine the amount of permanent disablement benefits. The table is available at our website.
Continued treatment denotes health care that is provided to you following the treatment of an acute illness or injury. Whether we regard the treatment as continued treatment will be decided by the physician of our Assistance after consulting your attending physician.
Deductible denotes an amount you contribute to each claim settled.
Employee refers to a person under a labour-law or similar relationship with an employer, or an entrepreneurial natural person.
Employer refers to a legal entity or entrepreneurial natural person whose employees are covered by the insurance.
Europe means all european countries (incl. european parts of Russia and Transcaucasus), Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores and Mediterranean countries. More information can be found here.
Europe for car travels denotes all countries situated in the geographical territory of Europe, with the exception of the Czech Republic, Russia, Belarus, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Turkey and areas in a state of war.
Expedition denotes a pre-organised trip, the purpose of which is to achieve a special sporting or scientific result.
Failure denotes a vehicle failure that prevents you from going on with your journey under standard conditions of safety (mechanical, electrical or electronic faults, vehicle hard to manoeuvre, wiper fault during rain, red warning light on the instrument panel going on, car battery discharged (this does not apply to electric vehicles)).
Fellow traveler refers to a person travelling with you, who is named in the same policy, or tour contract.
Fixed-sum insurance denotes insurance under which a predetermined amount is paid to you in the event of a claim. The actual damage worth is irrelevant.
Home country refers to the territory of the Czech Republic.
Chronic illness denotes an illness that existed at the time of the conclusion of the insurance contract and that has caused you health complications or has led to a change in medication or your treatment regimen during 6 months prior to your scheduled departure, for cancellation insurance prior to the moment the insurance was taken out. We do not automatically treat incurable diseases as chronic illnesses.
Individual item also denotes a set of your things of a similar or identical nature or use (e.g. a camera with accessories), even though they may not have been bought at the same time.
Injury is a health issue you have suffered due to the sudden action of an external factor or your own physical strength regardless of your will. More serious injuries may be lethal or result in permanent consequences.
Insurance risk denotes a specific situation, during which a claim may occur.
Insurance coverage denotes an amount of money we will pay you on your claim.
Insured event (claim) denotes an accidental event as described in the insurance terms and conditions, which occurred during the insurance term and which establishes our obligation to provide you with insurance coverage.
Insured person denotes the person stated in the insurance contract as the beneficiary of the insurance coverage.
Loss event denotes an event that leads to damage on your part. It may result in the insurance claim settlement.
Loss insurance denotes an insurance, under which we will cover the actual amount of your loss subject to the negotiated limits.
Manual labour denotes any compensated work other than administrative or managerial work.
Natural disaster denotes the devastating action of natural forces. This mainly involves fires, explosions, direct strikes of lightning, storms, floods or area flooding, hail storms, landslides, rocks or earth collapsing, avalanche falls and falls of trees or posts, earthquake, volcanic activity, etc.
Outpatient treatment denotes a treatment provided by a physician, which does not require your hospitalisation.
Personal effects denote luggage and personal items customary to the given purpose of the trip. You may either own these items and take them on your journey or acquire them while travelling. If you have taken out insurance for items belonging to your employer (e.g., a mobile phone, notebook), they are also treated as your personal effects.
Policy is a confirmation of the insurance you have taken out.
Policy holder denotes a person who has entered into an insurance contract with us.
Robbery denotes the appropriation of an insured item with the use of violence or a threat of imminent violence.
Table of insurance coverage limits (table) means an overview of the highest possible amounts that may be paid to you on claims that occur during a single trip abroad in the course of the insurance term. The table also shows specific insurance coverage limits and your deductible on each claim settled.
Technical Assistance refers to the emergency assistance services we will provide in the event of a loss falling under the Vehicle section. The provider is Eurocross Assistance Czech Republic, s.r.o. with its registered office at Lazarská 13/8, 120 00 Prague 2 – Nové Město, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 86367, Identification Number: 255 98 180.
Terrorism denotes the purposeful use of violence or a threat of violence. It is usually directed against unsuspecting persons and its aim is to incite fear with a view to achieving a political, religious or ideological goal.
Tour denotes a combination of travel services fixed in advance, which the travel agent sells you for an overall price.
Valuables refer to antiquities, jewelry, furs, precious stones and items containing gold or platinum.
Vehicle denotes an insured motor vehicle with a total weight of up to 3.5 tonnes, which is registered in the home country, eligible to be driven on the road by its owner, operator or authorized user, and is insured. Insured vehicle denotes a motorcycle, quad bike or articulated vehicle with a total weight of up to 5 tonnes.
Vehicle immobility is a state that prevents you from going on with your journey. Vehicle immobility may have been caused by an accident, failure, vehicle theft, puncture, power shortage or fuel shortage or fuel mix-up. A vehicle is also deemed immobile if, following an accident, the vehicle may pose a risk to its surroundings, e.g., due to any sharp edges on its body. A vehicle is also immobile if its registration plate is lost or stolen outside the home country. A vehicle is also immobile if the only driver of the vehicle is injured or suddenly incapacitated and, as a result, unable to drive, or if the only driver dies.
We are ERV Evropská pojišťovna, a. s., with our registered office at Křižíkova 237/36a, 186 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic. Our ID number is 492 40 196 and we are registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, File 1969.