MultiTrip: Annual Travel Insurance

The first true flexible travel insurance for those who travel frequently

Doctor assistance on phone


Million satisfied travelling clients each year

English speaking nonstop assistance services

Abroad calls to the assistance fully reimbursed

MultiTrip Annual Travel Insurance

In order to be insured for COVID-19 during non-essential (e.g. leisure) trips even in orange, (dark) red, unmarked and black countries, arrange MultiTrip Premium. Variant Comfort and Corporate covers risk associated with COVID-19 only in destination marked green. When you travel to orange, (dark) red, unmarked and black countries arrange SingleTrip with extension COVID Plus. If you already have our MultiTrip insurance, you will get SingleTrip with 30% discount.

  • always available in the mobile application Moje Evropská
  • top quality and no administration
  • broadest insurance cover on the Czech market
  • simplified and comprehensible insurance terms and conditions
  • saves time and worries before travel abroad
  • unlimited number of trips during the year (up to 45 days for one trip)
  • includes trip cancellation insurance (tour, air-tickets, accommodation)
  • also covers items belonging to your employer (notebooks, mobile phones)
  • 30% discount on trip cancellation insurance
  • bargain price for the family or partners


What is the difference between SingleTrip insurance for 360 days and MultiTrip annual insurance?

SingleTrip insurance can be arranged for a single trip that can last up to 360 days. MultiTrip annual insurance is for frequent travellers - it covers unlimited number of trips and each of them can last up to 45 days. The insurance products also vary by coverage limits and extension options.

Read more about SingleTrip


We have our own English speaking specialized assistance services centre that you can call 24/7. We personally check healthcare providers in tourist resorts so you can be sure to receive the best medical care. Moreover, you often do not have to pay anything in such partner hospitals, you just need to sign the bill. Thanks to the My Evropská mobile app, you don’t need to carry any unnecessary papers, your insurance cards is always at your fingertips in your mobile phone. We proccess the damages very fast. If you provide all necessarry documents, we will settle the claim in unrivaled time of 7 working days. Our insurance conditions are comprehensible, don’t be afraid to read them.

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Basic variant of MultiTrip annual insurance applies to regular holiday and beach sports and stay or activities at an altitude of up to 3,500 m above sea level. If you plan to go on sport holidays, you can extend your cover by insurance for winter or hazardous sports. Comfort variant can be extended by winter sports. Premium variant already includes winter sports and can be extended by hazardous sports.

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In the EU (as well as in Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Switzerland) you are entitled to receive the necessary health care during your stay abroad. However, these services are not free of charge, so in most cases you will not save money. You can only be treated in public healthcare facilities and your home insurance company will pay for the treatment to the amount that is normally covered by local health insurance companies. Just like locals, you will have to pay the deductible that can be quite high. You will have to arrange everything yourself because the EHIC card does not include assistance services and does not cover any costs for transport to the Czech Republic.

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Some of the credit card travel insurance products apply to the medical expenses, the insurance coverage limits are not high enough and the deductible has to be paid for each insured event (up to CZK 5 000). It usually does not include trip cancellation insurance and/or other travel related risks. If you rely on credit card insurance, make sure to check its coverage.

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Client Stories

I was hospitalized with pulmonary embolism during holidays on Lanzarote. My chest suddenly started to hurt and I struggled to breath. Fortunately, after a prompt advice from the assistance service I got admitted to a proven hospital where I finally stayed for 5 days. Everything worked out well but the local doctors did not recommend me to travel by airplane so I had to stay on the island for another 3 weeks. My wife was by my side all the time and the insurance covered all the bills for hotel and flight ticket. We are so grateful for the services and perfect care that you arranged. Many thanks!

Pavel D.
hospitalized with pulmonary embolism on the Canary Islands

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Insurance Details

MultiTrip travel insurance protects you on recurrent trips out of the Czech Republic for a period of one year. In addition, until the end of October, with extended validity also for vacation in the Czech Republic. The maximum duration of your trip may be up to 45 days. You can negotiate insurance for one person or a bargain package for partners or the whole family in several variants with different insurance coverage limits and territorial validity.